Page 26 - LVGL Summer 2021
P. 26


           Craig Garner,    George Yocum,      Luis Morais,               William Moser        McKenzi Hall
               Net            Silver Net       Senior Net

            Scott Lytle,      Steve Fink,     Todd Roberts,               Drake Harvey          Nya palmer
           Championship      Silver Gross      Senior Gross

                Southern Nevada Amateur                          Southern Nevada juniors dominate
              champions crowned at Paiute                            Nevada State Junior Amateur

                   cott Lytle (Championship), Todd Roberts                     hile it was called the Nevada State Junior
                   (Senior) and Steve Fink (Silver) won gross                  Amateur and it was played at Genoa
                   titles at the 2021 Southern Nevada Amateur                  Lakes Golf Club in Northern Nevada,
                   Championship held June 26-27 over the Pete                  the tournament turned out to be a show-
       S Dye-designed Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort  W case for Southern Nevada Junior Golf
        Snow Mountain and Sun Mountain courses. Craig Garner   Association golfers, who swept the titles.
        (Net), Luis Morais (Senior) and George Yocum (Silver)
        claimed net crowns. “It’s my first win anywhere,” Lytle says.   William Moser (Boys 15-18), McKenzi Hall (Girls 15-18),
        “I’m a little shocked. I knew where I was when we started   Drake Harvey (Boys 13-14), and Nya Palmer (Girls 13-14)
        the round and I knew who was ahead of me. I figured no   won titles.
        matter what I did, third place was about the best I could do.”   Moser, from Coronado, will use the win as a major boost

        While it was a new experience for Lytle, it was old hat for   as he now heads off to play collegiate golf at Cal Lutheran.
        Steven Fink, who won for the 9th time in 2021. He has won   “This one is big for my confidence,” Moser says. “I hav-
        both SNGA majors played through June and is a previous   en’t won many tournaments in the past especially with this
        winner of SNGA senior and championship division majors,   caliber of players. And it came at a good time because my
        including the historic Las Vegas City Amateur.         next tournament is a U.S. Amateur qualifier at Bear’s Best
                                                               in a couple of weeks.”
        “I played well enough to win which is good,” Fink says. “I
        had a 73 the first day when it was hot and windy. That took   Hall committed to UNLV, but before becoming a Rebel, she
        a toll on me but I recovered well and played a solid round.”  will play in the prestigious United States Junior Amateur
                                                               and a couple other big events this summer. “I’m going to
        Want your chance to play in the SNGA? Visit for   be gone for most of July, but I’m really happy to have the
        all information.                                       chance to play in these great events,” Hall says after her
                                                               Nevada victory. “I’m really happy with where my game is
                                                               and I’ll get the chance to see where it takes me.”

    24 LAS VEGAS GOLF & LEISURE        SUMMER 2021                            
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