P. 34

EastErn OrEgOn                      OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2018

      46510 Wildhorse Blvd.
      Pendleton, OR 97801

      Course Details
      John Steidel
      18 Holes, Par 72
      7,112 yards from back tees

      Practice Facility
      Driving Range
      Putting Greens

      Property Amenities
      Pro Shop
      PGA Golf Instructions
      Group Lessons
      Meetings & Banquets                    Wildhorse Resort & Casino
      Movie Theater                       
      Children’s Entertainment
                                       any golfers talk about “the game within   sand bunkers guarding the left side approach make this
                                       the game,” the mental challenges that
      Restaurant/Dining         Mmake each round of golf so enjoyable. But   par-4 one of the best finishing holes in golf.
      4 Restaurants             at the Wildhorse Resort & Casino golf course, they   It’s no wonder the course has hosted several prestigious
                                                                         regional PGA tournaments, including the OPGA Pro-
      Full Bar                  also talk about the games after the game. Because at   Am and the PNW PGA’s Senior Oregon Open Invita-
                                Wildhorse, you can play 18 exciting holes of golf fol-  tional. Optimum conditions begin in March and continue
                                lowed by a round of casino games—slots, blackjack,   through October, when pleasantly warm days and cool
                                poker, roulette, craps and other entertaining activities   evenings prevail. 12-month play is often possible.
                                — right next door.
                                Situated in the foothills of the Blue Mountains,   All year-round, Wildhorse offers much more than a 19th
                                                                         hole round of drinks after your final putt. With the Casi-
                                Wildhorse’s 7,112-yard course is a blend of Scottish   no located right next door, you can relax and watch the
                                Links and Traditional American Resort design that   pros play on 18 screens in Wildhorse Sports Bar. Drive
                                mirrors the panoramic landscape. The par-72 layout   your hunger away at Traditions Dining buffet. Or enjoy
                                features manicured tees and lush fairways leading up   an elevated fine dining experience at Plateau. Then
                                to smooth bent grass greens. If the dozens of deep   cap off the perfect day with free live entertainment at
                                bunkers aren’t enough to get into your head, more   Wildhorse Sports Bar on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
                                than half of the holes feature water hazards.  nights. Golfers looking for a relaxed atmosphere and
                                Playing the front tees can shorten the distance by   picturesque vistas will appreciate Wildhorse’s hotel, the
                                nearly 1,500 yards and make the course easy enough   first-rate conference center, the RV Park and the nearby
                                for anyone. But you still might need a mulligan   Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, a world-class tribal
                                or two at the course’s signature 18th hole. A lake   museum.
                                running along the right side of the fairway and white

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