Page 28 - Rethinking China Policy
P. 28

Rethinking China Policy

            There is an alternative.

            The ROC on Taiwan can unilaterally create a new domestic political system that meets the goal of ending the
            ruinous war for formal recognition of ROC with the PRC, and yet, at the same time, improves the ability of
            other states to improve their working relationship with Taiwan without any formal recognition of the ROC that
            they pledged not to under the “one China” policy with the PRC.

            President Tsai’s ROC can unilaterally rewrite their constitution to replace the present Provincial Government of
            Taiwan with a new Province of Taiwan government that will be delegated all the powers of the ROC.

            That is to say, all powers including taxation, administration, foreign affairs, justice, and defense except it is
            only limited to territories defined as within the Province of Taiwan.

            Once that is done, the ROC can then vote themselves out of existence (or to become a vestigial organ like the
            appendix) with a constitutional amendment that ROC President (like the Governor General of the Crown) will
            only act on the advice and consent of the newly established Province of Taiwan, and have the power to
            override the legislative, judiciary and control branches of the government.

            All but the President of the Executive branch of the ROC will be placed in suspended animation with officials
            and legislators except the ROC President tendering their resignation and not replaced. The ROC President is
            appointed by the Province of Taiwan and serves at the pleasure of the Province.   In effect, ROC will no
            longer exist for practical purposes and serves very much like a symbolic head of state.

            This strategy will enable the ROC to exit from explosive issues like its 9 dash line claims in the South China
            Sea, and a host of issues related to ROC claims.

            It will enable “diplomatic” relations to be conducted directly by the Province of Taiwan via their Provincial
            Representative Offices abroad.

            The issue of ROC being a competing “China” to the PRC is entirely sidestepped and the U.S. and Allies will
            have a fig leaf to plausibly argue that extensive relations with the Province of Taiwan in no way challenge
            the “one China” policy.

            There is a viable way ahead to allow Taiwan to expand its global role without the debilitating dominance of
            the PRC manipulation of a “one China policy.”

            PACIFIC POLICY
            By Robbin Laird

            Notably, Prime Minister Abe visited Donald Trump shortly after his electoral victory.
            After a meeting at Trump Tower in mid-November 2016, Abe had this to say:

            Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described Donald Trump as a “trustworthy leader” after meeting the U.S.
            president-elect on Thursday to get clarity on statements Trump had made while campaigning that had caused
            concern about the alliance.

            Abe, speaking after the hastily arranged 90-minute meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan, reporters: “The talks
            made me feel sure that we can build a relationship of trust.”

            Second Line of Defense

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