Page 21 - Leverage and Learn_Neat
P. 21

Leverage Allied Investments and Combat Learning Experience in Modernizing the U.S. Military

            Ahead of the Warsaw Summit this year, Norwegian Minister of Defense Ine Eriksen Søreide wrote in
            a statement “NATO needs a coherent and robust long-term strategy to deal with the new security environment. A
            key element of that strategy must be maritime power and presence in the North”.

            State Secretary Bø underlined the need for increase in training, exercises and presence, as well as improving
            NATO command and control structure..

            In our discussion, he both underscored the importance of working with the Russians and deterring them. He
            argued for the need for predictability but also strengthening one’s deterrent capabilities as well.

            It was crucial for both Norwegian defense modernization as well as working effectively with allies in defense
            of the Norwegian region.

            Exercises are an important tool in this effort, within NATO and with other Nordic exercises.
            He noted that the Norwegian, Swedes and Finns do joint air exercises and operate from their home bases but
            work together in shaping collaborative air operations.

            “This ensures efficiency in that the logistics are provided at the home bases; but also shaping collaborative
            capabilities by working together in common areas of interest in the region as well during the exercise.”

            The Norwegian Deputy Defense Minister Øystein BØ: Credit: Norwegian Ministry of Defense

            He started the conversation by focusing on the F-35 and its potential contributions to Norwegian defense

            “We do not see this just as a replacement aircraft; we see it as contributing to our ground-air-naval force
            modernization efforts and overall capabilities. It will interact with the Army, with the Navy and will be a
            platform in many ways that we believe is a game changer for us.

            In other words, he sees the F-35 as a strategic asset from the standpoint of extended Norwegian defense

            An aspect of the F-35 program, which is not generally realized, is the importance of allied investments in
            capabilities, which can be used across the F-35 global enterprise.

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