Page 51 - Leverage and Learn_Neat
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Leverage Allied Investments and Combat Learning Experience in Modernizing the U.S. Military

            As one senior RAF pilot put it: “I would never fly with an AWACS if had a choice. I would only fly with

            Obviously, Number 2 Squadron and Number 42 Wing have made an impact on air combat thinking.

            In this year’s Red Flag 17-1, the F-35 and F-22 flew with RAF Typhoons and USAF F-15s along with the
            Sentinel UK aircraft and the Aussie Wedgetail, along with other assets as well.

            A United States Air Force (USAF) F-22A Raptor lifts off from the runway at Nellis Air Force Base during
            Exercise Red Flag 17-1. Visible in the background (from left) are a Draken International Inc L-159 Albatross;
            a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) E-7A Wedgetail, and a RAAF C-130J Hercules. Credit: RAAF

            But the exercise was notable in terms of the first appearance in Red Flag 17-1 an exercise in which one
            combat participant noted: “In this exercise, the F-35 reshaped how we are thinking about the use of our entire
            air combat force.

            "The question was not what the F-35 could do for the rest of us; it was what can we contribute to the F-35 led
            air combat force?”

            The Wedgetail certainly found its place in answering that question and in providing unique quarterback
            functionality to the force and to support functions from an ISR and C2 role as well.

            Not only did the Wedgetail show up, but the Officer Commanding 42 Wing played a key role in the exercise
            as well.

            According to an article published in Australian Aviation on February 14, 2017:

            GPCAPT Bellingham was the first non-US participant to be Director of the CAOC, leading 250 American,
            British and Australian personnel. This was the first time a coalition nation has performed this role in such an
            “We are integrated with these capabilities from start to finish, from planning missions, through to debriefing
            the missions,” GPCAPT Bellingham said.

            “Australia has air battlespace managers from No. 2 Squadron and No. 41 Wing who are controlling the Red
            Flag airspace, and getting first-hand experience how these capabilities can be employed.

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