Page 20 - Williams Foundaiton Air-Land Integration April 15
P. 20

New Approaches to Air-Land Integration

His version of the Plan Jericho approach to building a more integrated assault force was as follows:

Every platform a SENSOR, every platform a SHOOTER, every platform a SHARE/CONNECTOR, and every
platform an EW NODE.

And throughout he highlighted that the Marines were preparing for the high end fight and enhanced
capabilities to operate throughout an expanded maneuver space, and able to operate from land, and sea
sequentially, concurrently or jointly as the mission demanded.

With regard to equipping that force, he saw the need to build on fifth generation capabilities, multi-mission
everything, spiral develop everything and leverage bottom up combat innovation.

He concluded that he saw a great opportunity to work with an ADF in transformation as the Marines went
down a similar path.


The discussion about shaping new ways to integrate air and ground forces was not just words; for on the day
after the Williams Foundation seminar, the ADF held an exercise illustrating new approaches in a joint

According to an Australian Ministry of Defence press release on March 21, 2016, the exercise was described
as follows:

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the Australian Army, with support from Northrop Grumman, have
successfully conducted a firepower demonstration and a combat team quick attack demonstration at Puckapunyal
Military Area in Victoria as part of Exercise Jericho Dawn to display the powerful effects of integrated air and
land operations.

The live fire exercise allowed RAAF and Army operators, together with Defence and industry representatives, to
observe the combined air and land capabilities in two scenarios.

The operators demonstrated the current capabilities, before trialling new ways to improve air-land integration,
including the way that aircraft and vehicles connect and translate information through different communication

Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Leo Davies AO, CSC, said that the demonstration showcased existing air-land
operations technologies and processes, and the operational gains that have already been achieved through better
integration of systems and information.

“Through today’s demonstration we were able to provide a visualisation of the effects of some of the Australian
Defence Force’s capabilities,” Air Marshal Davies said.

“The lessons identified from the activity will help shape Defence’s future capability decisions and improve existing
training activities.

“Demonstrations such as today are an important means of testing and displaying joint effects.

“We are building on the Air Force’s international reputation for being good at what we currently do, and asking
important questions about taking Air Force’s contribution to joint operations even further.

Second Line of Defense

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