Page 96 - Letters of Reference
P. 96
Dear Janet-
It is high time for a post new home acquisition letter to you!
After living in our previous home for over 20 years, neither of us fully realized how many ‘must
haves’ we each had subconsciously built into our blue print for the perfect home. So, when we em-
barked on our search for one in Chicago, we were, to say the least, a bit naïve. Our original agent
was randomly selected, and it became apparent to both of us that she had little patience for what I can
only refer to as ‘our home procurement evolutionary process’. Her approach was a bit formulaic for
our needs.
Along the way, we had the good fortune of meeting you at one of your listings. Months later,
we serendipitously met again at another of your listings. Your attention to detail and hard work had
impressed us both. Not to mention that you remembered us, in a very specific detailed fashion, from
our only prior meeting. That was when Karen and I decided that we wanted to make a change and,
shortly after, asked that you consider helping us find the right home.
The questions you asked along the way, the ability to focus on what our needs were, the will-
ingness to work within the time constraints of a two career couple and the intelligence to apply what
you had determined are, in our opinion, what sets you apart from other real estate agents.
We love our new home and cannot thank you enough for the extra effort you put forth on our
behalf, Janet. As we have said to you along the way, you are the consummate professional. If it is of
any interest to you, please consider us both to be references of the highest order.
Chris Schenk and Karen Seamen