Page 7 - The Owen Report for January 2023
P. 7

Owen Report

                                   The High-End CONDOMINIUM Market

                                       Chicago's LINCOLN PARK Area

                                         As of Tuesday, January 31, 2023

                     Monthly Statistics for Sales, $700k+                           % +/- Since Last Month

            Average Price:                               $1,125,565                        +10.41%
            Median Price:                                 $882,500                          -4.08%
            Maximum Price:                               $2,550,000                        +52.24%
            Total Sales Volume:                          $6,753,388                         -55.84%
            Total Units Sold:                                     6                         -60.00%
            Average Market Time of Units Sold:              57 days                         -54.03%
            Total Units Currently Active:                       60                          -3.23%
            Avg. Mkt. Time of Currently Active Units:      147 days                         -4.55%

                          Units Sold                                               Median Price
                     One Year Trend                                             One Year Trend

     80                                                         $1,100,000
                         67                                     $1,050,000
                   61          65                               $1,000,000
     50                                                           $900,000
     40     31                     40                             $850,000
     30   25                          27  28  24 24               $800,000
     20                                             15            $700,000
     10                                                6          $650,000

      0                                                           $600,000

                                       Source: Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED / MLS)
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