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Janet Owen
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Featured in Chicago Magazine’s “Best of Chicago” issue
Visit for links to articles and videos showcasing these various accomplishments!
December, 2011. Featured spotlight in Chicago Agent Magazine's Cover Story "2012 Predictions" in the December 19th issue.
October, 2011. Featured in Chicago Magazine's 3-page article "The New New Rules of Real Estate" written by Dennis Rodkin, describing the
way the market has changed in the past few years. Owen gives her observations and knowledge of what both Buyers and Sellers must
do to success in today's changing real estate climate.
May, 2011. Featured in “My Style” section of Chicago Agent Magazine’s May issue
October, 2011. Selected by clients, peers and industry experts as Chicago Five Star Professional Real Estate Agent, featured in special
section of Chicago Magazine.
October, 2011. Featured in Chicago Magazine’s Deal Estate article “Chicago-Area Chateaus Hit Price Plateau”. 2 of the top 5 most
expensive sales in Chicago from July 2010 to June 2011 were Owen’s listings.
April, 2011. Featured on NBC’s LXTV Open House segment “Square Feet” giving a tour of a prestigious cooperative listing in Lincoln Park.
April, 2011. Michigan Avenue Magazine 2011 “Big Ticket Broker” in “Living Large” section for the 60610 and 60611 zip code.
January, 2011. Today’s Chicago Woman “Top Women in Real Estate; The Residential Real Estate Hall of Fame.”
October, 2010. Owen lists and sells Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase home at 25 E. Banks for $6.8M, the highest recorded sale in recent
history in the Gold Coast. Owen has since broken this record!
August, 2010. Owen lists and sells $8.5M home for full price, the highest recorded sale in Lincoln Park in August 2010. Visit website for
three great articles detailing this extraordinary sale! Owen has since broken her own record!
May, 2010. USA Today article regarding 1866 North Howe Street house as most expensive home on market in Chicago.
April, 2010. Appeared on tour given for 2430 North Lakeview Avenue #17PH.
February, 2010. Appeared on WGN and CLTV’S HomesPlus segment for 1930 North Howe.
September, 2009. Panelist consisting of the 3 top agents in Chicago. Chicago VIP Luxury Summit. “The Luxury Buyer: Where We’ve Been
and Where We’re Going.”
September, 2009. Luxury Presentation Given to Sotheby’s Office.
April, 2009. Appeared on CLTV’S HomesPlus segment, “Home Tour: Living Large in Lincoln Park”.
April, 2009. Appeared in Deal Estate section, feature article and video “On the Market: A Contemporary Home Blooms
on Magnolia”.
October, 2008. Appeared in Michigan Avenue Premier Edition, cited as “Big Ticket Broker” in article, “Living Large”.
November, 2007. Appeared in Metro Chicago feature article “Janet Owen; The Joy of Real Estate”.
August, 2006. Appeared in Chicago Magazine 8-page feature article “Friendly Persuasion” (Best of Chicago issue).
March, 2006. Appeared on the cover of Real Estate Executive Magazine with feature article.
April, 2004. Chicago Tribune Magazine. Picture and feature article in Luxury Section; Upper Bracket Agents.
January, 2004. Chicago Agent Magazine cover of premier issue; “$225 million: How Do They Do It?”
April, 2000. Chicago Tribune Magazine. Prominently featured in article “The Essence of Luxe; The World of High End Real Estate”.
July, 1998. Television guest appearance on WCIU-TV “Stock Market Observer Profile”. 15 minute interview on real estate.
April, 1998. Pictorial article and interview in Today’s Chicago Woman.
February, 1998. Television guest appearance on WCIU-TV “The Real Estate Show”. 20 minute interview on real estate.
Monthly guest speaker on WCBR-FM real estate segment of “About Money” radio show. Owen spoke about the market, her current
listings and more.
Owen has been frequently quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Crain’s Chicago Business, Chicago Agent
Magazine, Chicago Magazine,,,, and