Page 22 - Letters of Reference for Janet Owen
P. 22

         Date: December 7, 2016 at 1:51:10 AM CST
         To: JANET OWEN
         Cc: Gene and Joanne DeMuro
         Subject: Re: Hi from Janet


         First, we are very pleased with how everything thing is being managed.  You are a real
         professional. Your success in this business is no accident.  I am overwhelmed how hard
         you work, but particularly how much you personally put into everything thing you do.  This is
         exactly how my father ran his business and taught his sons to conduct themselves.  It is so
         refreshing to work with someone with these ethics and class.

         Secondly, I must remind you that I have closed many real estate deals over the years, most
         much more complex than this, most with contracts that average 20 to 30 pages of legal
         grabble, exclusive of the 9 or 10 homes we have bought and sold.  So far, even with a few
         minor bumps in the road, this is going well even with the 22.1 debate.  Now, why have I
         even mentioned this?  Because this allows me to explain why I truly appreciate and under-
         stand what you are doing.  It is very difficult and you do it so well.  You're an impressive

         Third, I like your suggestion about adding a few visits before the closing.  I will pass this
         along to Brad.  The fact is that we are in no hurry since we cannot move in until after we sell
         100 E Huron, unless you think it is better to sell it empty.


         From: GENE DeMURO
         Date: November 29, 2016 at 5:57:21 PM CST
         To: JANET OWEN

         I understand why you are so successful.  How much fun it is to work with a professional of
         your caliber.
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