Page 77 - Introducing Janet Owen
P. 77

Chicago Tribune Magazine

                                       SUNDAY, APRIL 16  SECTION 10

          THE ESSENCE OF



When the stakes are high, say $1 million and more, the real-estate agent becomes a trusted partner; if only until the
      close of the deal. A sampling of four properties, three recently sold, offers a glimpse into an agent’s world.

                                  A drawing room and greenhouse with skyline views

        $2 MILLION PLUS

 Luxury Quotient: One of a row of                granite countertops and two Sub-Zero re-      Sold for: Under contract for close to
                                                   frigerators. The master suite’s spa bath-
four Adamesque town homes designed by              room has an extra deep Jacuzzi tub, a         its $2.1 million asking price.
the architect David Adler in 1915, the state-      white-tiled steam shower, a heated towel       Agent: Janet Owen, Sudler and Co.
ly townhouse was renovated by its current          rack and Michael Graves light fixtures. The    Area of specialty: Lincoln Park, Gold
owners. It has a circular stairway with a          top floor has a full working greenhouse with
skylight above it, 14-foot ceilings on the         skyline, lake and park views, which could     Coast, Streeterville.
first floor, the original walnut inlaid floors, a  easily convert into an outdoor terrace. In     Selling mantra: “ In a service indus-
black and white marble-floored anteroom, a         addition, the house has a wine cave, spe-
library, a skylit conservatory with three          cial silver storage space and a dumbwaiter.   try, all you really have is your reputation.
arched glass double doors, a drawing room                                                        You really stake your reputation on every
with a woodburning fireplace with marble                                                         transaction.”
surround, a formal dining room with terraz-                                                      You know you’re secured the deal
zo floors, and a kitchen and pantry with =                                                       when: “ You never really know. That’s

                                                                                                 what makes real estate so exciting.”
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