Page 103 - 1.0-JANET OWEN PROMO and her Bio is first 6 pages
P. 103

hen, there are the vintage   The  definition  and  image  of  a  The classic penthouse . . . the drawing room of

                   penthouses,  such  as  a    penthouse  have  certainly  blurred  a  6,000-square-foot  duplex  penthouse  in  Lin-
                                                                                   coln Park (above), Designed by David Adler, is
                   sumptuous,  6,000-square-   since those 1930s movies that had   listed by Janet Owen.
           foot  David  Adler  designed  resi-  Fred  and  Ginger  swirling  and
                                               twirling their way across  polished
           dence at the top of a prestigious co
           -op on Lakeview Avnue in Lincoln    penthouse  terraces  far  above  the   Lincoln  Park.    “They  know  their
           Park.    It’s  on  the  market  for  $3   glittering  lights  of  a  sophisticated   market, I know mine.”
           million  (plus  $4,200  monthly  as-
           sessments), listed by Janet Owen.                                       ‘Ask  10  different  people  for
                                                                                   their  definition  of  a  pent-
                                               Among  “entry-level”  penthouses    house  and  you’ll  get  10  dif-
                                               under construction for that 97 per-
           But in today’s quirky, crazy hous-                                      ferent answers.’
           ing market, there’s a penthouse for   fect of the market that’s not quite                         Janet Owen
           nearly every pocketbook and taste:   up to spending $3 million for a top
                                               -level  home;  there  is  a  different  Her  own  interpretation  fits  her
           in the heart of Chicago as well as
           sprouting  in  its  suburbs;  high  in   definition of a penthouse.     market: “It is at or near the top of a
           the sky or as the top layer of three-                                   luxury building.  It might be a du-
           floor  walkups;  enhanced  with  un- “If  that’s  how  builders  want  to   plex or all on one floor, with a ter-
           obstructed views of a glorious sky- market  their  properties,  so  be  it,”   race or with no outdoor space, but
           line  or  looking  out  at  other  pent- says  Janet  Owen,  the  real  estate   it is luxurious.  It has views and it
           houses  across  a  landscaped  court- agent who represents the owners of   is unlike any other residence in the
           yard.                               the Adler-designed penthouse in     building.    A  penthouse  has  mys-
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