Page 11 - Letters of Reference
P. 11

From: Joan Moriarty
Date: July 28, 2017 at 8:41:18 PM CDT
To: Janet Owen; Mike Moriarty
Subject: Endorsement

Janet, you have truly gone beyond what we have expected and it makes us grateful for
you. Your love of what you do shows and we were so fortunate to have you guide us
through this year. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You made what could have been
a difficult time much easier. We are so glad we found you!



I googled "Best Realtor in Chicago" and your name popped up. When I read an article
about you, it mentioned a very large unit in 1555 you sold (for the Pritzkers I believe)
that broke a record and we thought since it was in our building that it was a good sign
so I called and made an appointment. When you arrived you were so polished and
professional. What immediately impressed me was your self imposed limit on the
number of properties you list, choosing quality over quantity. You promised good
communication and have stuck to that promise. The rest is history!

Joan Moriarty


From: Joan Moriarty
Date: March 10, 2017 at 8:07:02 PM CST
To: Janet Owen
Subject: Re: Feedback from some showings

Hi Janet,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do for us. You are truly the most extraordi-
nary professional. I tell my friends that all the time.
We are really lucky!

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