Page 5 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 5
All of us accept that we possess average intelligence. We come from
different directions to occupy this world, a world of matter. Often
gathering together for a common cause; to develop a further
understanding of ourselves, and in this instance to explore one
particular aspect of our inherent spirituality.
We seek to be of service to our fellow men in the name of
God; to understand Spiritual Healing, even to heal. This grandiose
statement is possibly tinted with ego and perhaps beyond some
individuals perception of themselves. It can be a dangerous suggestion
to some minds, senseless to others. Nonetheless, this statement needs
to be made at this time, for it encompasses the many diversities that
exist in any gathering of human beings, in the diversity of readers who
might delve into the area of Spiritual Healing and who take the time to
read this book.
This is not meant as a taunt, that would serve no purpose. This
is said to reduce us to a common understanding of our selves so that
we may, for the purpose of this adventure, gather closer to each other
and work together in full light of the integral honesty that can exist.
It is not my purpose to present myself before you as a teacher,
to lecture you on the basis of my knowledge and theories. It is my
purpose to explore with you the many facets of Spiritual Healing with
an openness that will enable you and I to better understand a more
complete view of this ability that is for all, be it as a healer or a
recipient of Spiritual Healing.
It is my hope that this will be the case; that when you reach