Page 7 - Handy Book of Spiritual Thoughts
P. 7
God has no gender, God has no need to be he or she. We often refer
to God as He or She but this is only because our language lacks a pronoun that
would correctly apply to God. You will see references to God as He or Him in
these writings only because of my language habit. I do not wish to insult any
I see God and Spirit as one. In these writings you will see references
using both titles. You will also see reference to ones own Spirit which I see as
being a part of God that is within every creation of God. This Spirit can also
be found in every creation of humankind that is created in God’s name, in the
name of Spirit.
These writings are mostly extracts from a much larger volume
currently in preparation for publication. This larger book is a compilation of
channelled writings given as guidance in gaining awareness. It is also a
companion booklet to Condensations, a booklet of Spiritual Wisdom. I hope
you enjoy becoming aware.
Brendan O’Callaghan, the transcriber of these thoughts.