Page 11 - Forrest-Student-Handbook-FINAL-2023-2024
P. 11
Classroom Observations
To observe in a classroom in which the student is scheduled, the parent or guardian must:
• First, set up a mutually agreed upon time with the teacher.
• Sign in with the Raptor Security System and receive a name tag with the designated location that you are
entering. The name tag must be worn and visible at all times.
• Refrain from diverting the attention of the teacher or students through conversation or other means.
Instructional time must be protected and student privacy honored. Don't hesitate to contact the teacher to
schedule a conference if needed.
• Classroom visits are limited to 30 minutes per day/teacher.
• Parents are not permitted to take pictures, video, our audio recordings in the classroom.
• The administration maintains the right to adjust or revoke visitation if events negatively impact the school day.
Conferences are encouraged and may be requested by the parent or teacher. You may call the
school (706-565-3062) to arrange a conference or make a request with your child’s teacher. If
you wish to have a conference with the principal, please call ahead to arrange a time.
During the first two weeks of school, we will allow you to walk your child to class, but please
remember that this is not the time for a conference. The teacher wants to give you their full
attention and cannot do so as the students enter the classroom and prepare to start the day.