Page 16 - Forrest-Student-Handbook-FINAL-2023-2024
P. 16


               Dismissal time for all students Pre-K through 5  Grade is at 2:15 P.M.  Students can only be
               dismissed as walkers, bus riders, daycare van riders, or car riders.  All students should be picked up
               from school no later than 2:45 PM.
                   •   Walkers - Students who are walkers should leave the school premises and walk home
                   •   Bus and Daycare Van Riders - Students will be escorted to the various bus or daycare van.
                   •   Car Riders -  Students who are car riders will be dismissed by car tag number. Students will
                       be assisted with locating your car, so car tag numbers must be displayed on the passenger
                       side of the front window.  You must remain in your vehicle during car rider dismissal.
                       Numbers will not be called after 2:45 PM.
                          o  Please keep in mind that the person who picks your child (ren) up from school
                              MUST have the number posted  in the passenger side front window of his/her
                              vehicle. Also, for the safety of our students, we ask that each family member keep
                              their  dismissal number confidential, as anyone who  has  this  number,  has
                              permission to pick up your child (ren) from school during dismissal.  If a situation
                              should arise and you need your dismissal number changed for safety reasons,
                              please come into the office.

                   •  If a parent or adult does not have the car rider tag  - Parents without car tags will be
                       allowed in the building at approximately 2:35 to check out their child (ren). Having to sign
                       out a student after 1:45 PM is outside of our routine dismissal procedures, and you must
                       be patient to allow us to complete most of our regular dismissal. Any adult checking
                       students out during dismissal must park in a designated parking spot and wait to be
                       admitted into the building. They then must report to the office with a valid ID (the adult
                       must be listed on the registration form). Even if the faculty knows you as the parent or
                       guardian, you  must  follow the  same  check-out  procedure.  Once authorization is
                       verified, the office staff will locate your child for you.

                   •  Late Pick-Ups - All students should be picked up from school no later than 2:45 PM.  After
                       2:45 PM, parents must park in the designated parking spaces then come into the office
                       and present their ID to pick up their child/children.  As a courtesy, we will attempt to
                       contact the emergency contacts listed on the student’s registration form.  If we are unable
                       to reach anyone by 2:45 then the student(s) will be sent to the after-school program (if
                       available) and a drop-in fee of $10 will be charged for each student.
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