Page 7 - Demo
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I’d been perfecting a process for building software quickly and reliably. I called it 4steps2profit. It had worked incredibly well for several smaller businesses. But I had never tried it on a solution the size Bob required. He needed a solution that would support the entire back office of a life insurance company... currently employing over 400 people.
My 4steps2profit enables the solution to evolve, as small prototypes, so everyone can see and try the solution as it grows... and verify it’s working in the way expected. There are also other aspects that appealed to Bob. So, he agreed to let me try building his solution... understandably, he kept a tight rope on our project and a very limited budget.
This was an exciting time. I would get an opportunity to prove my concepts on a much larger scale... and hopefully help Bob too. Two partners and I formed a company called Trimark Technologies. We were to deliver prototypes on a regular basis of the growing solution. If Bob liked what he saw, we would

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