Page 24 - Forest Grove Years 17 Feb
P. 24

Rear: Roy Williams, Archer White, Bob Parkin, Kitty Williams
                Front: Ron Riley, Manley Romans, RWW, Priscilla White, Hiroko Uyeyama, Madelene Parkin

                                                              These are both early pictures of the
                                                              Ruth Lake cabin and the many people
                                                              who either came to visit or came to
                                                              stay. Kitty Williams was the permanent
                                                              cook employed by the FG lodge. She al-
                                                              so came and cooked for visitors to the

                                                              The Extended Parkin Family at Buckhorn
                                                                              ca. 1947
                                                              Rear: Dorothea Gem, Barbara MacKenzie,
                                                            Leona MacKenzie, Alex MacKenzie, Killy Wil-
                                                                            liams (Cook)
                                                            Front: Sandra Smith, Gertrude Smith, Jacquie
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