Page 4 - Perculus Plus - Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
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Yaşam Becerileri
İnovasyon kavramını açıklar.
Yaratıcılık, buluş/ icat, değişim, geliştirmek, üretim, girişimcilik
kavramlarının inovasyonla ilişkisini tartışır.
Toplumsal ve sürdürülebilir inovasyon kriterlerine uygun ürün tasarlar.
Etik kavramı ve bu kavramla ilişkili kavramları açıklar.
Hak ve sorumluluk kavramlarını günlük yaşamdan örnek vererek açıklar.
Sosyal ortamda aldığı rollerin hak ve sorumluluklarını belirler.
Rol ve sorumluluklara uygun davranılmadığında yaşanabilecek durumlara örnek
Sorumlulukların yerine gelmemesinin hakların kullanımına etkisini tartışır.
Ekolojik hak ve sorumluluklarını söyler.
Saygının hak ve sorumluluk kavramlarıyla ilişkisini sorgular.
The student is able to talk about animals on a farm.
The student is able to name places in a town.
The student is able to write the names of farm animals and places in town.
The student is able to read and understand about farm animals and places in town.
The student is able to ask and answer about his / her room and make sentences using
simple prepositions such as in, on, under, by.
The student is able to tell what he / she is doing at the moment and answer the
questions like “What is he/she wearing?” or “What is he / she doing?”.
The student is able to talk about hobbies they like and ask others what they like to
The student is able to understand simple texts about hobbies.
The student is able to write what they like and what they don’t like.
The student is able to ask questions using “where” and talk about holidays.
The student is able to understand the concept of spending money and the use of
numbers when calculating amounts.
The student is able to understand the use of graphs and tables and apply the Times
Table Grid to solve multiplication problems between numbers 1-10.
The student is able to recognize the inner organs of the body, as well as the importance
of water for our bodies and the earth.
The student is able to understand where water comes from and the basic steps of the
water cycle.
The student is able to follow instructions and understand the basic steps to complete
the task at hand, whether it be in class, on Perculus or through Google Classroom.