Page 30 - Beezy Kitchenware
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We at the “Venkateshwar” are engaged in manufacturing of more than 500 items of

      quality kitchenware products with our well known & popular Beezy brand since 1992.
      Our Beezy brand is registered since 1992 under trade mark & copyright act.

      At present, Our coverage area is all over India through our more than 186 accredited distributors.
      We are at this stage, because of our quality products & trust of our innumerable
      customers, our retailers, our dealer & our distributors.

      Our quality control department is always alert to maintain the quality of the product
      Our quality control department is always alert to maintain the quality of the product
      as well as to innovate & to develop the new products.

                                                                                                                  Venkateshwar Industries

                                                                                                B/h. Rajkamal Petrol Pump, Near Rolex Industries,
        Trademark Registration No.                                                                            Gondal Road,Rajkot- 360 004,

              Class 21 - 1081723                                                                                      Mob. 98985 71728
              Class 08 - 1081722                                                                    
              Class 11 - 1081721                                                                            E-mail :

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