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In 2019, 149 approved researches were completed that added-up to the library of innovative
knowledge and discoveries of the University. A total of 128 researches made way to prestigious local,
regional, national and international research presentations where reputable researchers converge to
exchange technical and theoretical expertise to further augment research results. In addition to these
research yields, there were 74 new papers published in refereed journals, further boosting the
University’s presence on scholarly publications. Some of these researches gained awards in
recognitionof their remarkablevalueoninnovationandsignificance.
Thefollowing isasummary of researchoutputs:
Research Output No. of Researches
Completed researches 149
Researches presented in conferences/for a 128
Research published in refereed journals 74
Source: Annual Report 2019
theyear 2019.