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The creation of University Research Agenda.
The University has a clear research agenda which were defined with due
consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of various weaknesses of
various University components and the opportunities and threats from factors
of the external environment. The agenda serves sources of potential
researchable areas and guide in the formulation of research proposals and the
basis of approving research support by the University. The ISU research agenda
serve as a guide in the formulation of research proposals and the basis for
approving support by the University.
Involvement of various stakeholders in preparing the ISU Research &
Development Services Strategic Plan (2014-2019). The research strategies
adopted by ISU are based on analysis of the University’s inherent and
internal capabilities and the prospects and opportunities provided by external
factors. From consultations with stakeholders, considering national government
R&D thrusts and the analyses using commodity-based and thematic research
thrusts, researchable areas where identified.
BOR Approved Manual of Operations for Research & Development Services
The University has a clear research services and guidelines which are geared
for developing inquisitive and critical thinking among faculty staff and students;
generate knowledge and technology to advance the frontiers of knowledge,
promote and facilitate the dissemination and utilization of research results.