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Congruence of the institutional research agenda with
regional and national priorities especially with the
concerned government agencies.
To enhance research productivity in higher
education, CHED has set the general policies, directions,
initiatives and priority areas for research and research-
related programs (NHERA-2 2009-2018). Since the
research areas are products of experts from the various
disciplines to include institutional leaders, senior
researchers and representatives from funding
institutions, the University RDET program and project is
anchored on these agenda in the planning process, to
include site-specific research areas along key disciplines
that provide solutions to institutional (teaching-learning
environment) as well as local community problems.
The University research priorities are specified in
the University Research Agenda. The agenda were defined
with due consideration of the strengths and weaknesses
of various University components and the opportunities
and threats from factors of the external environment.
The identification of the University research agenda
was based on established commodity-based research
thrusts from which ISU developed a name and became
known in research. In addition, the University focus on
seven research thematic thrusts based on international
and national research trends. With these “commodity-
based” research thrusts and the “thematic” research
thrusts as simultaneous considerations for potential
sources of potential researchable areas, and based on
external environment (opportunities and threats) and
internal (ISU’s strengths and weaknesses), the University
research agenda were generated.