Page 25 - LFT Presentation Jan2021 55SA
P. 25

Ti-AM5728, Kintex-7 based IF Recorder

          Processor – TI’s AM5728 – Dual ARM

            Cortex-15, 8# 2TB SSD.

          FPGA – 3# Xilinx Kintex-7 KC7K325T-


          16# of Input Analog Channel, 8# of

            Output Analog Channel.

          1G and 10G Ethernet port for data


          Embedded Linux OS based application

          QT based embedded GUI to configure

            & upload data.

          Configuration through 1G Ethernet or

            USB 2.0

                                                      *This presentation is the intellectual property of Logic Fruit Technologies . Any plagiarism or misuse is punishable according to Indian Laws.
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