Page 50 - LFT Presentation Jan2021 55SA
P. 50

On-Board Data Acquisition System

          64 Ch – Data Acquisition System, with build in signal  conditioning for Terminal Ballistics Research


       S. No.                           ODAR Specifications TBRL Requirements                                                                LFT Designed
          1.                                    Analog Input Specification

          a)                      Input signal range: 0-5V and ±2.5V (programmable)                                                                OK
          b)                   Input channels: 64Differential(For better noise immunity)                          DC Accelerometers & Vibration Sensors are single ended, Rest

                                                                                                                                        sensors are Differential
          2.                                Sampling rate of various channels                                                              Total 32 channels
          a)                                          Ch. 1-18 :    10 kHz                                              Ch. 1-9 (Vibration): BW=3KHz & Sampling rate 25ksps

          b)                                         Ch.19-22 :     1kHz                                           Ch. 10-11 (Accelerometer): BW=1KHz & Sampling rate 5ksps
          c)                                          Ch.23-30 :     1kHz                                            Ch. 12-15 (Load Cell): BW=0.5KHz & Sampling rate 3 ksps

          d)                                          Ch.31-45 : 5kHz                                                 Ch. 16-20 (Pressure): BW=5KHz & Sampling rate 25ksps
          e)                                          Ch.47-56 :     1kHz                                              Ch. 21-28 (Strain): BW=100Hz & Sampling rate 1ksps
          f)                                          Ch.57-64 : 1kHz                                                             Ch. 29-32 (TC): Sampling rate 10SPS

          g)                                    Input impedance : >1G ohm                                                                    OK(>1G ohm)
          3.                                   Data Specifications of ODAR
          a)                                     Resolution of ADC-16 bit                                         For TC ADC using 19 bits & for remaining Sensors 16 bits ADC

          b)                                    Three ways to start Logging:                                                 I.   Remotely controlled through wireless
                                       I.   Manually pressing a button on the unit                                    II.  Short to open trigger input will start the recording

                                        II.  Remotely controlled through wireless
                                 III. Short to open trigger input will start the recording

                                                      *This presentation is the intellectual property of Logic Fruit Technologies . Any plagiarism or misuse is punishable according to Indian Laws.
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