Page 2 - Hensler Surgical - PAPR by Bullard System - 2020
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PAPRFC3 Technical Specifications

        Filter Type:             Mechanical

        Protection:              Particulates

        Efficiency:              High Efficiency Particulate Absolute (HEPA)
                                 99.99% vs. a mass mean 0.3 micron aerosol at 85 LPM

        Filter Housing Material:   ABS Plastic

        Regulatory Approvals:    USA
                                 NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 (per test procedure TEB-APR-STP-0001)
                                 TC-21C-0836 (EVA PAPR with Loose Fitting Headtops)
                                 TC-21C-0844 (EVA PAPR with Spectrum Full Face Mask)
                                 TC-21C-0846 (EVA PAPR with FAMB2 Half Mask)
                                 TC-21C-0922 (EVAHL PAPR with Loose Fitting Headtops)

                                 EN 12941, CE 0194 (EVA PAPR with Loose Fitting Headtops)

        Packaging:               6 per box
                                 Each filter individually sealed in plastic

        Lot Code Identification:  Yes

        Expiration/Shelf Life:   10 years (unopened with proper storage conditions)

        Americas:                     Europe:                      Asia-Pacific:
        Bullard                       Bullard GmbH                 Bullard Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
        1898 Safety Way               Lilienthalstrasse 12         LHK Building
        Cynthiana, KY  41031-9303 • USA  53424 Remagen • Germany   701, Sims Drive, #04-03                      IS- 9001
        Toll-free within USA: 877-BULLARD (285-5273)  Tel: +49-2642 999980   Singapore 387383
        Tel: +1-859-234-6616          Fax: +49-2642 9999829        Tel: +65-6745-0556                ©2014 Bullard. All rights reserved.
        Fax: +1-859-234-8987                                       Fax: +65-6745-5176
                                   www .bullar                                                           8486 (0214)
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