P. 100

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                                                                               NATURAL  REGIONS  OF  PERU:
                                                                                                 THE  SAW

          Sierra  animals.
          The  typical  animals  of  this  region  are:  the  alpaca,  the  llama,  the  vicuña,  the  trout,  the  sheep  and  the  condor.

          Sierra  Plants:
                                                           Typical  dishes  of  the  Sierra:
          In  the  Sierra,  they  grow:  wheat,  potatoes,  olluco,  corn,  peas,    We  have:  The  pachamanca,  thepataca,  the  guinea  pig,  the
          quinoa.  We  also  have  fruits  such  as:  tumbo,  granadilla.  trout,  the  humita,  etc.

          Typical  dances  of  the  Sierra:
          The  folklore  of  the  Sierra  is  represented  by  its  music,  its  colorful  and  showy  dresses  and  its  dances.
          Among  the  best  known  we  have:  the  huayno,  the  Huaylas,  the  diablada,  the  saya,  etc.
                                          Huaylas                                           Diablada

           3   SOCIAL  PERSON                           174                                       1st  Grade
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