P. 106

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                                                                               NATURAL  REGIONS  OF  PERU:

          Jungle  animals.
          The  animals  of  the  Jungle  region  are:  The  monkey,  the  snake,  the  macaw,  the  jaguar,  the  alligator,  the  turtle,  the  anaconda,
          the  piranha,  the  paiche,  the  tapir.

          Mountain  plants:                                Typical  dishes  of  the  mountains:
          La  Selva  is  covered  by  a  tropical  forest,  which  consists  of    They  stand  out:
          numerous  species  of  trees,  palms,  ferns  and  native  fruits.
          So  we  have:

          In  the  Peruvian  Jungle,  a  great  diversity  of  orchids  grows,
          many  of  them  in  danger  of  extinction,  they  are  very  beautiful
          and  delicate  flowers.

          Typical  dances  of  the  Sierra:
          They  are  characterized  by  being  warrior  dances,  or  of  a  magical-religious  ritual  nature.
          So  we  have:
                       dance  of  the
                       carapace               Shipibo  dance                      The  gang

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