P. 66

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                                           The  Republic:  Current  President

           The  Republic                                    Velasco  Alvarado
           The  Republic  begins  with  the  independence  of  Peru    Z  In  the  1970s,  the  agrarian  reform  was  undertaken
           proclaimed  by  the  liberator  Don  José  de  San  Martín,    and  the  media  were  restricted  under  the  command
                                                                of  the  military.
           on  July  28,  1821.  The  Peruvian  republic  was
           consolidated  with  the  intervention  of  the  liberator  Don
           Simón  Bolívar.

                                                            Z  In  the  1980s,  terrorist  groups  appeared  who  brought
                                                                pain  and  suffering  to  all  Peruvians,  due  to  their
                                                                bomb  attacks  and  murders  of  innocent  people,
                                                                including  many  children.

                                                            Z  In  the  1990s,  our  economy  opened  up  to
           Most  important  facts  of  the  Republic:           international  market.
           Z  The  first  years  of  our  independence  were  developed    Z  The  tourist  flow  to  our  country  increased.
              between  military  struggles  to  reach  the  presidency    Z  Machu  Picchu  was  chosen  one  of  the  seven
              of  the  Republic.                                wonders  of  the  modern  world.
           Z  In  1845,  with  the  election  of  Ramón  Castilla,  slavery    Z  Currently,  the  Peruvian  economy  has  grown  and
              was  abolished  and  the  first  railways  appeared.  remains  stable.
                                                            Z  The  negotiation  of  a  free  trade  agreement  with  the
                                                                United  States  began.
           Z  In  1895,  Chile  declared  war  on  Peru,  this  war  is
              known  as  the  “War  of  the  Pacific”.
                                                            current  republic
           Z  In  1941,  the  Ecuadorian  army  invaded  the
              northern  Peruvian  border.                   The  highest  authority  is  the  President  of  the  Republic,
                                                            who  is  elected  by  direct  suffrage  of  the  Peruvian
                                                            He  is  elected  to  govern  for  a  period  of  five  years.

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