P. 82
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1. Write the name of three Peruvian heroes:
a) _______________________________________________________________________________
b) _______________________________________________________________________________
c) _______________________________________________________________________________
2. Write two characteristics of a Peruvian hero.
a) _______________________________________________________________________________
b) _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Who is the current president of Peru?
4. Complete with the words from the box.
America - Central - Pacific
Z Peru is located in the ________________ part of by the ______________ of the south, its coasts are bathed
_______________ ocean.
5. The capital of Peru is:
Cuzco Lime Junin
6. Machu Picchu is located in:
Lime Pisco Cuzco
7. The official language of Peru is:
English Chinese Spanish
8. The natural regions of Peru are:
a) Pacific Ocean and the jungle b) Peaks, mountains, deserts c) Peruvian Sea, Coast, Sierra, Jungle
8 SOCIAL PERSON 174 1st Grade