Page 18 - SCIENCE
P. 18

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              SCIENCE  AND  ENVIRONMENT                                1st  Grade  -  Primary  Education

                                        2.  The  sense  of  taste

                                                            The  organ  of  the  sense  of  taste  is  the  tongue.

                                                            The  sense  of  taste  allows  you  to  recognize
                                                            the  taste  of  food.

                                                            My  tongue

                                                           meet  flavors

                    Sweet                   Acid                     Salty                 Bitter


               Between  two  white  walls                        keep  in  a  narrow  jail

               there  is  a  red  flower,                        by  soldiers  of  ivory

               that  with  rain  or  with  good  weather,        this  is  a  red  snake,
               it  is  very  wet.                                who  is  the  mother  of  knowledge.

                Rpt.___________________                    Rpt.___________________

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