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* A u t h o r s *

                                          Senior Author                                   Dr. Cheryl Jennings
                                          Dr.  Herman J. Viola                            Project Director
                                          Curator Emeritus                                Florida Institute of
                                          Smithsonian Institution                          Education
                                                                                          University of North

                                          Dr. Sarah Witham                                Dr. Mark C. Schug
                                          Bednarz                                         Professor and Director
                                          Associate Professor,                            Center for Economic
                                            Geography                                      Education
                                          Texas A&M University                            University of Wisconsin,

                                          Dr. Carlos E. Cortes                            Dr. Charles S. White
                                          Professor Emeritus,  History                   Associate Professor
                                          University o f California,                      School o f Education
                                          Riverside                                       Boston University

                         Consulting Authors
                         Dr. Dolores Beltran                          Dr. MaryEllen Vogt
                         Assistant Professor                          Co-Director
                         Curriculum Instruction                       California State University Center
                         California State University,  Los Angeles    for the Advancement of Reading
                         (Support for English Language Learners)      (Reading in the Content Area)

                                               The  United  States  has  honored  the  Louisiana  Purchase and
                                            the  Lewis  and  Clark  expedition  in  a  new  nickel  series.  The first
                                            nickel  of the series features a  rendition  of the Jefferson  Peace
                                            Medal.  Thomas Jefferson  commissioned  this  medal  for  Lewis and
                                            Clark's  historic trip,  which  began  in  1804.
                                               Louisiana  Purchase/Peace  Medal  nickel  circulating  coin
                                            images courtesy  United  States  Mint.  Used  with  Permission.
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