Page 126 - Grammar
P. 126

9          Adverbs

             An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It tells you

             about an action, or the way something is done.

            A lot of adverbs end in -ly.

                                                     The baby is

                                                     sleeping soundly.

             They laughed loudly.

           The dog is barking fiercely.                        Spelling File

           Alice skated beautifully.                             Adjective          Adverb

           The Prince and the Princess                           beautiful          beautifully

           lived happily ever after.                             brave              bravely
                                                                 bright             brightly
           The birds are singing sweetly.
                                                                 fierce             fiercely
           It is raining heavily.                                happy              happily

           The dog and the cat live                              heavy              heavily

           together peacefully.                                  loud               loudly
                                                                 peaceful           peacefully
           The soldiers fought bravely.
                                                                 slow               slowly
           The sun is shining brightly.                          sound              soundly

           The old man walked slowly.                            sweet              sweetly

          Grammar       Help    Many adverbs are made by adding –ly to


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