Page 93 - Grammar
P. 93

Grammar      Help

               Use has with he, she, it, and with singular nouns. Use

               have with I, you, we, they, and with plural nouns.

               Here is a table to help you remember the rules:

                                                    Singular              Plural

               First person                         I have              we have

               Second person                        you have            you have
               Third person                         he has              they have

                                                    she has             they have
                                                    it has              they have

               Learn these contractions:

                                   I have           =      I’ve
                                   you have         =      you’ve

                                   he has           =      he’s

                                   she has          =      she’s

                                   it has           =      it’s
                                   we have          =      we’ve

                                   they have        =      they’ve

                                   have not         =      haven’t

                                   has not          =      hasn’t

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