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                     Philip  J.  Deloria          Stephen  J.  Fugita          Lynette  K.  Oshima
                     Associate Professor          Distinguished  Professor     Assistant Professor
                     Department of History        Psychology and Ethnic        Department o f Language,
                       and  Program in             Studies                      Literacy and Sociocultural
                       American Studies           Santa Clara University        Studies and Social Studies
                     University of Michigan                                     Program Coordinator
                                                  Charles  C.  Haynes
                                                                               University of New Mexico
                     Lucien  Ellington            Senior Scholar
                     UC Professor of Education    First Amendment Center       Jeffrey Strickland
                       and Asia Program                                       Assistant Professor,  History
                                                  Ted  Hemmingway
                       Co-Director                                             University of Texas  Pan
                                                  Professor of History
                     University of Tennessee,                                   American
                                                  The Florida Agricultural &
                                                   Mechanical University       Clifford E.  Trafzer
                     Thelma Wills  Foote                                       Professor of History and
                                                  Douglas Monroy
                     Associate Professor                                        American Indian Studies
                                                  Professor of History
                     University of California,                                 University of California,
                                                  The Colorado College
                     Irvine                                                    Riverside
                     Teacher Reviewers
                     Crystal Albrecht             Barbara Lang                Mary Ann  Preen
                     John Sinnott Elementary      Whitman Elementary           Seventh Avenue Elementary
                     Fremont,  CA                Tacoma, WA                    Hadden Heights,  NJ

                     Charlene Cook                Kay Lewis                    Kerri  Seid
                     Belair Elementary            Dalton Elementary           Sequoia Elementary
                     Jefferson City,  MO          Aurora,  CO                  Sacramento,  CA

                     Judy Jolly                  Anne Luckey                   Elizabeth  Simon
                     Highland School              Oconee County Primary        Griffin Elementary
                     Stillman Valley,  IL          School                      Cooper City,  FL
                                                 Watkinsville,  GA

                     ©  2005 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
                     No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,  including photocopying
                     and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Houghton Mifflin  unless such
                     copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law.  Address requests for permission to reproduce Houghton Mifflin material to
                     School  Permissions,  Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley St.,  Boston,  M A  02116.

                     Printed in the U.S.A.
                     ISBN-13: 978-0-618-32004-2
                     ISBN-10: 0-618-32004-0
                     789-DW -13 12  11  10 09 08 07
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