Page 36 - SCIENCE
P. 36

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            RESPIRATORY  SYSTEM                                                                     1st  Grade

             11  Complete:

                                                    MOVEMENTS  OF
                                                     THE  BREATHING

                                       the                                           the

                           air  enters  the  lungs                       air  leaves  the  lungs

             12  Complete  with  the  five  vowels:

                  What  remedy  does  mom  give  you  when  you  can't  breathe  well?

                                                         c _____             _____
                                            _____  _____         l _____pt _

                        for  your  notebook

             13  Mention  how  we  should  take  care  of  our  respiratory  system.



             14  Draw  the  respiratory  system  and  label  its  parts.

                                                                                  SCIENCE  AND  ENVIRONMENT
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