Page 6 - SCIENCE
P. 6

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  degree                                                                    THE  HUMAN  BODY

          7     Color  the  parts  of  the  face.

          8  Write  true  (T)  or  false  (F)  as  appropriate.

               a)  The  body  is  divided  into  head  and  trunk.               (      )

               b)  The  nose  is  on  the  face.                                 (      )

               c)  The  arms  and  legs  make  up  the  extremities.             (      )

               d)   The  legs  make  up  the  upper  extremities.                (      )

                     I  show  my  skills

          9  Complete:

               The  human  body  is  made  up  of  ___________________,  __________________,
               ____________________  and  _____________________.

         10  Mark  the  correct  answer:
               Z  The  elbow  belongs  to  ______________.

                  a)  the  face              b)  the  trunk        c)  the  upper  extremities

               Z  The  face  is  in    ______________.
                  to  the  head              b)  the  trunk        c)  extremities

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