Page 45 - Advanced Romance
P. 45

42 Advanced Romance*
time, if not life. So that, if you’re marooned on a desert island with only about ten options from which to select a mate, you’ll probably chose one. You won’t wait twenty years in case you get off the desert island in order to peruse the other 4 billion possible world-wide mates.
Thus, many people marry in high school after evaluating, let us say, only three-hundred potential mates, and another big group marry in college evaluating say five-thousand potential mates, and another big group in their later twenties after evaluating a good quantity of mates in whatever city they’re in.
What this means to me is that evolution is so powerful that it will make you believe your mate is your one-and-only, one in four billion, when actually they are one in three hundred or five thousand or a hundred thousand. It’s true that you may feel so good about the one you’ve chosen—chemically and mentally— that the other four-billion potential mates become irrelevant. You will bond so lovingly around this one, and your relationship become so personal and nurturing, that you can honestly say that you love them more than any other potential mate on earth.
So the results are the same as if you’d found your one-and-only, but the reality behind the results are different than that conceived in most one-and-only stories. However, this reality also leads to two powerful, gratifying and obnoxious corollaries. It’s obnoxious that you have to admit that the great, undying, indescribable

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