Page 4 - Liberating Liberals V2
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Some Liberating Liberals reviews:
Bill Branyon has issued a call to liberals to become “free- thinkers” rather than doctrinaire politicos and to live with more joy in their lives. The spirit behind Branyon’s book is enthusiastic and joyful. He is clearly a man who enjoys laughter, and his sense of humor carries onto the pages of Liberating Liberals. The book’s chief asset is its exhortation to liberals to embrace this sense of joy and spontaneity.
Jeff Minick Smokey Mountain News
In Liberating Liberals, Branyon wants to turbocharge the liberal [freethinking] advantage by increasing the range of free thought. Liberals aware of their own stuck points can more easily walk
a mile in the other gal’s red, white and blue stiletto pumps. It’s
a timely reminder for a culture bogged down in political trench
Dr. Mike Hopping, psychiatrist and author of McTiernan’s Bottle, Meet Me in Paradise, and Ben and the Immaculate Conception
This is intriguing. Seems to me that most idealistic points of view are self-righteous, antagonistic, and myopic. With them, you’re either right or you’re wrong. It takes an open mind to see and hear the truths among the lies. And, since the most believable, and therefore dangerous, lies have at least a grain of truth in them, this is a very serious matter. So, it is heartening to hear of someone who is willing to attempt to synthesize a greater truth from opposing sides.
James David Redstock
Branyon’s challenge to the basis and practice of ethics may prove
revelatory. When the author exercises his acerbic wit, he’s as funny
as an army of meercats marauding in a staid coronation.
Cecil Bothwell, Asheville City Councilor and author of Whale Falls: an explanation of belief and its consequences.

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