Page 6 - Liberating Liberals V2
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Liberating Liberals reveals Nietzsche’s greatest contribution to the continuing human conversation to be the light he shone on our tendency to shelter hidden assumptions called the the “shadows of God.” They function much like mental prisons, effectively stifling the generation of the fresh approaches vital to creating the better world we envision.
Sherrill Knight – preschool teacher and mother of four.
There are books that one merely wanders through, and these can be a reader’s delight. More delightful is wandering through such a book and discovering a glimpse of treasure. Just such
a glimpse inspired my imagination recently, while wandering through Asheville author Bill Branyon’s recent book, Liberating Liberals. His chapter X, the brief tenth, is a marvelous discourse on the advantages of a “mixed economy,” presented in a rational, layman-friendly manner. His notion that nearly 80%
of our economy is an expression of ego, may not resonate with
Milton Friedman’s Chicago Boys – but it is a clever analysis and
a refreshing example of organic intellectualism.
Dal Raiford, PGA golf pro.
Bill, let me tell you. I really enjoyed your talk. I mean it. You were terrific! You were so personable, and came across very genuine. You “had” your audience, dude. You gave them what they came for.
Steve Livingston, actor, activist and reclamation expert of broken media machines.
Branyon serves up a rich stew of political philosophy. Instead of picking out our favorite pieces, liberals are encouraged to create new recipes for a changing world, to switch off the Myth America pageant and unplug from the Matrix. Bill seems to ask: Where do we place ourselves in a “Bleeding Heart – Bled To Death” spectrum of liberal activism?
Larry Abbot Musician, mechanic and Green Party activist. v

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