Page 31 - Sorghum
P. 31

Dr. E. W. Branyon’s Bio
We did have an ice box in which the ice man would deposit a 60 lb. ice block, twice a week.
Before TVA there was no centralized electricity. Dad bought a Delco system that used a gasoline engine to charge batteries from which we could power one light a night for a short while. He said we’d never have gotten central- ized power if TVA hadn’t threatened to put Ala- bama Power out of business. I saw FDR and Eleanor drive in an open car through Tupelo to commemorate the lighting of that city with electricity. We didn’t know he was crippled.
Hubby: “I wonder how we never manage to save anything?”
Wifey: “It’s the neighbors; they’re always doing something we can’t afford.”
Dad probably blamed the Depression on Hoover, but I don’t know. Mom would claim half-jokingly that it was caused by Dad’s buying a Nash car, which she viewed as exorbitant compared to the usual Ford or Chevy.
Employer: “You’ve never done anything on time in your life.”
Employee: “Yes sir. I bought a car on time.”

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