Page 33 - Sorghum
P. 33

Dr. E. W. Branyon’s Bio
the preacher.
“Never,” said the member. Soon a game warden walked up and the member ran off.
“I’m afraid I have to arrest you for hunt- ing in a baited field.” he told the preacher. “Okay,” said the preacher, “but if you keep me out of jail, I’ll keep you out of Hell.”
Now, not only are the fields often baited, but when Cheney shot the lawyer in the face, he’d bought the doves, quail and pheasants he wanted to shoot from a store, and guides re- leased them as the VP shot from just outside his SUV.
They would shoot rabid dogs on sight back then and one day someone shot Joe think- ing he was rabid. I didn’t think he was. We never did replace him. Animals were just one more thing to feed during the Depression.
A farmer was walking down the road with his dog and gun, and a car hit the dog and killed him:
“Will $5 pay for the dog?” asked the driver. “Yes,” said the farmer, taking the money. “Sorry I broke up your hunting.”

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