Page 54 - Sorghum
P. 54

Buttahatchee River. At the last moment they swerved their car away from some cliffs next to the river and the sheriff went plunging in. It didn’t kill him but broke a few bones.
A judge was trying a man named Joshua for violating prohibition by making moonshine: Judge: “Wasn’t the biblical Joshua the prophet that made the sun stand still?”
Joshua: “Maybe Judge, but I’m the still owner that made the moon shine.”
There was no conversion moment in my choice of medicine. I suppose my interest came from Dr. Burleson whose son was a good friend of mine. Occasionally the doctor would take the two of us on house calls. He had a little one- room office adjacent to his house where he kept a lot of drugs, tools and instruments. Though I knew little about it, it was always exciting for me to look in there and see what was going on.
“What did you operate on that man for?” asked a medical student of a promi- nent physician.
“Two hundred dollars,” answered the surgeon. “I mean, what did he have?”

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