Page 61 - Utsah
P. 61
Market Day Car Wash Day
With the objective to educate As adults, we know that lemons taste
students on the importance of sour, that flowers are fragrant and that
Market Day consuming of fruits and cuddles feel gratifying. We have the
vegetables in their regular knowledge of these things because
diet, teachers of EY1 hosted we’ve experienced them with our
Market Day on 29 January superior senses. In the same way,
2020. students get acquainted with knowledge
Teachers were dressed as about the world by experiencing things
vegetable and fruit vendors. through their senses. A fun activity of
Students were given EY2, which involved the different senses
shopping bags and an of children, is a pretend car wash.
opportunity to buy their When you combine soap, sponges,
favourite fruits and dusting cloth and dirty cars, you have
vegetables. This way, they loads of water fun for kids. Students
learned about the taste, spent time scrubbing the cars, rinsing it
smell, colour and texture of off, washing it again, and rinsing it back
Field Trip each fruit and vegetable. off. There were many squeals and
Field Trip Market Day created a positive chuckles to be heard. Teachers
learning environment in a explained the uses of the varied car
real-world setting. In addition, parts like wipers, bonnet, breaks etc.
to enhance their fine motor Through this activity, students learned
skills, students were involved that it is essential to maintain our
in an activity of shelling peas. belongings and keep them clean.
Stomping through the Field Trip
Rainforest Under the topic ‘World
around us,’ students were
EY3 learners went on a trip to the given first hand experience
Amazon Rainforest. They got to see that encouraged observation,
unusual animals like the proud exploration and discussion.
Car Wash Day
Quetzal and the sleepy Kinkajou. EY4 students were taken on
The activity created in the foyer had a field trip to Joggers Park on
trailing leaves and many animals 16 & 17 January 2020.
camouflaged in bushes. It was not Students observed various
only visual but sensory as well. The trees, herbs, shrubs and
sound of tumbling water and animal creepers in the park. They
sounds created an exhilarating and also tried to identify the basic
adventurous ambience. Students parts of plants - roots, stems,
passed through hurdles like jumping leaves, flowers and their
over thick branches, climbing over importance. Teachers
bridges and crawling through a dark explained how various
cave. They got a chance to see an animals and birds depend on
alligator in the pond and searching trees for food and shelter.
for animal footprints while matching The visit was quite refreshing
it to the one they had with them. and explorative for our young
Stomping through
the Rainforest