Page 8 - ROOT Jan Feb 24
P. 8

Inside this iSSue:

             • Stay Well This Winter
             • Chickpeas Benefits + Recipe
             • Heart-healthy Winter Eating

             • Healthy Party Food Swaps
             • And more!

        Busting Myths: ALL NATURAL FOOD PRODUCTS

        If the famous saying, “All that glitters isn’t   an official definition for ‘natural,’ leaving   must detail what makes this accurate. Is
        gold,” were tweaked to “All things natural   companies to create their own standards. As   the item free of artificial colors? Is the food
        are not healthy,” many people would better   a result, ‘all-natural’ cookies, for example,   minimally processed?
        understand food labels and  make better   may  contain  significant amounts of butter   Ultimately, you have to read the list of
        food choices.                        and sugar, ingredients that do not necessarily   ingredients to know if the food adheres to
                                             contribute to a healthy treat.
        Many consumers purchase products labeled                                  your definition of natural.
        ‘Natural,’ believing  they  are choosing  a   Plus, something labeled “natural” can be   Source:
        healthier  option.  Unfortunately,  this  isn’t   grown or created in ways many don’t think
        always the case. According to federal policy,   are good for our bodies.
        a ‘natural’ food should have nothing artificial   Choosing  healthy  foods  requires  close   deciphering-natural-food-labels/
        added and be minimally processed. However,   reading and some logic. Products  labeled
        the government still needs to establish   “natural,”  “all-natural,”  or  “100%  natural”   nutrition/use-term-natural-food-labeling

           All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
           experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

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