Page 11 - Perangkat Kumer 2024 Buku 1
P. 11

ELEMEN                               CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN
                                          simple sentence structures. Using models, they plan, create and present a

                                          range of texts in simple and compound sentences to structure arguments and

                                          to explain or justify a position. Their attempts to write new words are based
                                          on known English letter sound relationships and they demonstrate a more
                                          consistent awareness that  written texts in English are presented through

                                          conventions, which change according to context and purpose.)

                NO                    ALUR TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN                           MATERI

                     4.1  Talk about things by describing the materials and functions;   Upcycling

                     4.2  Identify and categorise specific information about goods and    Used
                 1                                                                                     20 JP
                          their prices; and                                             Materials

                     4.3  Describe an object with specific characteristics and details.

                     5.1  Ask and give information on how to use search engines;        Digital Life

                     5.2  Identify specific information about ways to stay safe online;
                 2                                                                                     20 JP

                     5.3  Write a procedural text.

                 3   Cadangan                                                                          4 JP

                                                                            TOTAL ALOKASI WAKTU        48 JP

                                                                               Metro,   Juni 2024
                     Kepala Madrasah                                           Guru Mata Pelajaran

                     EKO SUMANTO, S.Kom.I., M.Pd.                              ARIEF PERMANA, S.Pd
                     NPK. 1852210012067                                        NPK. 3901850006019

              Catatan Kepala Sekolah

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