Page 18 - ESP (CNG & LNG) Participant Guide
P. 18
Module 1: Properties and Characteristics of Natural Gas
Module 1: Knowledge Check
Which of the following statements is true about natural gas?
□ Natural gas is lighter than air and has a lower ignition temperature and flammability range than other liquid
□ Natural gas is heavier than air, is colorless and odorless.
□ Natural gas is lighter than air and has a higher ignition temperature and flammability range than other
liquid fuels.
□ Natural gas is toxic.
The main chemical component of natural gas is:
□ Methane
□ Ethane
□ Propane
□ Butane
The reason natural gas is compressed for transportation use is:
□ It is too explosive in its natural state.
□ It has low energy density in its natural state.
□ It costs less to compress natural gas than to leave it in its natural state.
□ It is required by government regulation.
The primary hazard for compressed natural gas is:
□ Pressure
□ Fire
□ Asphyxiation
□ Liquefaction
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