Page 12 - WM E-Learning Handbook
P. 12

Slide Topic                     Content                                                     Notes

Increasing the Energy Density of  At atmospheric pressure, the

Natural Gas                     energy content of natural

                                gas is low

                                 For transportation use,

                                natural gas is either

                                compressed or liquefied to

                                increase range

Compressing Natural Gas          1 cubic foot is “squeezed”
                                    into 5.6 cubic inches when
                                    compressed to 3,600 psi

                                 At 3,600 psi, nearly 300x as
                                    much volume fits into the
                                    same size container

Hazards of Natural Gas          1. High Pressure
                                2. Fire
                                3. Asphyxiation

NGV Safety Features to Address   High-pressure fuel system
High Pressure                        4:1 safety factor
                                     14,400 psi minimum

                                         burst pressure

Technician Safety and Awareness Training for NGVs          © 2018 NGVi All Rights Reserved         Page 10
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