Page 47 - WM E-Learning Handbook
P. 47
Slide Topic Content Notes
LNG Overpressure Regulates maximum pressure to
Regulator engine fuel inlet
Typically set above the fuel tank
economizer setting between 130-
140 psi
May be externally adjustable
Automatic Fuel Shutoff Shuts off fuel to engine when
Valve ignition is off
activated by sensor
On integrated tanks
Valve is either located directly
after the fuel vaporizer/heat
exchanger or after the
overpressure regulator
General LNG Safety Do not park LNG vehicle in
Precautions unmodified maintenance facility
Always ensure tank pressure is
below 150 psi before bringing
vehicle indoors
Always wear proper eye and skin
protection while working around
LNG fuel systems and vent
If You Detect an LNG Leak Move or leave the vehicle outdoors
Identify the source of the leak
Repair according to manufacturer’s
Safety Practices for Welding Use welding blanket to protect LNG
and Hot Work fuel system components when
welding on or around LNG vehicles
Two LNG Defueling Vent-to-Atmosphere
Liquid Transfer
Into LNG tank
Can transition to gas
Can recover some amount of
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