Page 47 - WM E-Learning Handbook
P. 47

Slide Topic                        Content                                 Notes

LNG Overpressure            Regulates maximum pressure to
Regulator                      engine fuel inlet

                            Typically set above the fuel tank
                               economizer setting between 130-
                               140 psi

                            May be externally adjustable

Automatic Fuel Shutoff      Shuts off fuel to engine when
Valve                            ignition is off
                                 activated by sensor

                            On integrated tanks
                                Valve is either located directly
                                     after the fuel vaporizer/heat
                                     exchanger or after the
                                     overpressure regulator

General LNG Safety          Do not park LNG vehicle in
Precautions                    unmodified maintenance facility

                            Always ensure tank pressure is
                               below 150 psi before bringing
                               vehicle indoors

                            Always wear proper eye and skin
                               protection while working around
                               LNG fuel systems and vent

If You Detect an LNG Leak   Move or leave the vehicle outdoors
                            Identify the source of the leak
                            Repair according to manufacturer’s


Safety Practices for Welding  Use welding blanket to protect LNG

and Hot Work               fuel system components when

                           welding on or around LNG vehicles

Two LNG Defueling           Vent-to-Atmosphere
                            Liquid Transfer
                                Into LNG tank
                                Can transition to gas
                                Can recover some amount of


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